Cognitive Rehabilitation and Remediation
What is cognitive rehabilitation and how can psychology help?
There are many times the ‘brain’ may need evidence-based, individualised assistance for:
Skills attainment and growth
Therapy adaptations
Cognitive rehabilitation
Remediation and adaptations
Making meaning within changed abilities
“An injury to the brain can affect virtually any aspect of functioning. At the deepest level it can alter one’s sense of self or the unique and persisting qualities that define who we are. People with brain injury may perceive losing some fundamental part of themselves”.
— Professor Tamara Ownsworth, 2014
Targets of rehabilitation and remediation can include:
Fatigue or shortened stamina
Reduced orientation to place and time
Challenges in activity initiation
Speed of information processing
Attentional skills
Emotional regulation
Expressive language changes
Working memory limitations
Executive functioning
Planning and problem solving
Reduced mental flexibility
Memory Recall
Difficulty taking in new information (learning)
Navigating visual challenges
Changed or challenging behaviours